Writing Your Author Bio

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The Significance Of Your Author Bio

Your bio as a published author is very important as it communicates to your potential readers who you are. It is essentially your introduction to your books. You will need to consider what it is you want your readers to remember about you when they hear your name or come across your books. Write in a conversational tone, it will help your readers to connect with you.

Guidelines For Writing Your Author Bio

What you write now can make a lasting impression on readers. Consider the points below:

  1. Determine the purpose of the author’s bio. Ensure your author info highlights your most impressive and relevant qualifications. Do this without boring your readers or coming across as prideful. In spite of your great accomplishments, readers generally connect with people who are humble as opposed to being egotistical. Include links to your book page or where your books are sold online.
  2. An author bio for the back of the book can be up to 100 words however when writing for placement on your website or book page, you need to consider at least 300 words to be effective in being optimized for search engines. Most people don’t relish the idea of writing an author bio but you’ve come this far so why not do what is necessary to marketing your books effectively. You will have to prepare different versions of your bio if you are using them for different purposes.
  3. Decide on what points you wish to include in your bio. Chances are you have more information than you really need. In which case you will have to comb through and cut out anything that is unrelated. You need not include your knitting expertise if your book is on programming computers. If you worked in a Fortune 500 company developing software then that would be considered relevant and should be used.

Don’t Bore Your Readers

  1. Resist the urge to copy and paste your CV. Leave that for your job interviews—most people are not interested in reading a blow by blow of your education and work experience. Including it will probably cause you to lose a possible reader.
  2. If you have other books list them in a bulleted fashion. Having links embedded in your book name helps to take your prospective readers directly to your sales page.
  3. Most readers want to know about you, especially if they have connected with you through a previous book. Let them know if you are married, how many children you have, hobbies, etc. they would love to know that you are a relatable person.
  4. Be sure to reflect your writing style in your author bio, it gives readers a sense of what they will be getting in your books. If you’re humorous it’s okay to add a touch of humor. If you are an academic, then that should be the tone of your bio if you are reaching out to other academics.

Alternative Option For Busy Authors

In many cases, writers are very busy and would really just want to pass this task on to someone else. Before you go that route, consider looking into free bio templates for authors. That is one way to get you stirred up and moving forward. Just remember the points noted above before you jump into a one size fits all template that has you scrimping on relevant information.

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