Freeport Minister, Dr. Pople-Smith Releases New Book on Generational Curses

Are curses and blessings as simplistic as some people believe? Can generational curses or blessings be related to the words that have been spoken? Do you have to accept what falls in your lap, or can it be broken from you and your family? These are some of the questions Dr. Deborah People-Smith answers in her recent book, Unbroken Generational Curses, How to Be Set Free (Inspire Publishing 2022). An Eleuthera native and Grand Bahama resident, Dr. Pople-Smith reveals timely information on the subject to help people caught in this conflict of curses. Her well-documented book lays bare biblical truths on the subject to assist readers in their quest to overcome the battles that have plagued their families for years. Not only does she show how certain sicknesses and mental illnesses can be traced through bloodlines, but Dr. People-Smith also outlines areas most people are unaware of being affected.

Fellow author Mrs. Simone Hutson says, “Readers are nudged to consider the possibility of ancestral covenants, ownership of ill-fated property, besetting habits, poor choices, and other vices that could have opened doors to the consequences of curses.” Notwithstanding the weight of the topic and her clear-cut, yet compassionate manner, Dr. Pople-Smith recognizes the problems that afflict the innocent who happens to be affected by generational issues. She also informs and equips readers with raw information and encouragement through timely interviews with seasoned professionals and spiritual giants in their ministerial trenches, on the topics. Also included is her first-hand experience that led a loved one to be freed from severe dementia. Unbroken Generational Curses, How to Be Set Free, will help the bound to break free to live a more productive and abundant life as promised in the word of God.

Bishop Wellington A. Williams from the Church of God Fairfield, in Grand Bahama, noted that “Dr. Pople-Smith is one who has persevered tremendously and has found it necessary to bring about the much-needed transparency on this significant topic to the world.” Dr. Pople-Smith’s humility is just as clear as her passion for the subject. She would like to see families identify the recurring issues that may be affecting them. “There are too many hidden secrets in families that have kept them bound for years,” she said. “I’d like readers to take hold of the truths in this book to help break chains from their lives. In uncovering biblical truths, you will be propelled into your Godly destiny. What will also be helpful to readers,” Dr. Pople-Smith hastened to add, “are the prayers in the book. They help readers to have a heartfelt conversation with God regarding their issue.”

Dr. Pople-Smith is married to Baldwin Smith of Freeport Grand Bahama and the couple has six children. In addition to securing copies of her books online in paperback and Kindle, interested persons can also contact the author at

Dr. Deborah Pople-Smith
Unbroken Generational Curses