Bahamian author, Pastpr Prncess Burrows


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Princess Burrows is a published author of the 2nd edition of Letters to My Mother: Confessions of Engine #9, a children's and young adult's book which shares robust life-lessons through the eyes of a rambunctious young man. Letters to My Mother captures the colorful escapades of young Baton Grey (affectionately called, Engine #9), a mischievous boy, who is often led astray by his friends on a remote island in the Bahamas. She has penned several other soon to be published books for children.

In addition to being an experienced educator with involvement in youth work for well over 20 years, Mrs. Burrows is also the pastor of The New Highway Pentecostal Church, in Love Hill, Andros. Pastor Burrows' love for young people has led her to share invaluable lessons to celebrate life while maximizing their potential in an engaging manner. She is married to Mario Burrows and the couple has two beautiful daughters, Janiece and Jaidan. The Burrows family resides on the island of Andros, in the Bahamas.

Letters to My Mother: Confessions of Engine #9 is now available in paperback and eBook. Read today on your favorite device.