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Rotary Eclub- Butterfly StoryBook Participant

Age: 10 years old

Lockhart Elementary School

St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands


Sho'Nique Powell

Sho'Nique Powell Mongoose

This little mongoose was very shy, kind, and helpful. He loved to help keep the environment clean. He wasn't much of a talker, but he was very nice and quiet. This is his story.

"Mommy, Mommy!" the twins cried out, "Tell us a story!"

"All right, my little pumpkins," Mom replied. "Once upon a time, there was a mongoose and he was stuck on top of a roof."

"How did he get up there?" the twins enquired.

"To gather and pick up trash to keep the neighborhood clean," Mom replied. "He knew that the high winds had blown the trash on the roof. This could make the guttering full with garbage and then go into the cistern when it rained again.

Mom continued, "He was forgetting that he was scared of heights.  He saw the trash on the roof and got busy cleaning. He was not aware he had gone so high. When he realized how high he had gotten, he froze and started to panic."

The twins started to cry. "Will he get hurt? Will he stay there forever? What is he going to do?" They were anxious to find out.

Mom looked at them with kind eyes and was surprised that they were so concerned for the mongoose's safety. "Calm down a little and I will continue," she said. "The mongoose looked around and saw an iguana lying on a tree close by."

He called out, "Iguana, Iguana, I climbed up too high and I'm really frightened."

The iguana shouted back to him, "If you come over to me on this tree, I can help you down."

"But I'm scared to move from here!" cried the mongoose.

The iguana had an idea. Last week when he was in the schoolyard, he learned a song from the students in music class. He began to coax the mongoose with the song, "Sampolo," lyrics by Bill Lamotta.  Iguana sang, "Sam-po-lo---ma-ma call-in' you…" Mom continued, "Slowly Mongoose began to move towards Iguana in the tree. Soon he was easing himself down the tree and was soon on the ground."

The twins, who were holding their breath, released it slowly. They now wanted Mom to sing the song again. After singing, Mom continued with the story.

The next day was a beach picnic and all the animals were there. President Hummingbird for the Environmental Club walked over to Mongoose and thanked him for risking his life in keeping the environment clean. Mongoose was amazed, and told her that it was nothing, and he enjoyed keeping the neighborhood clean.

The Club then presented a fruit basket, to Mongoose's surprise, which he shared with Iguana. Mongoose knew that you have to be grateful to those who help you.

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